
Presentation Practice Class

Practice Class

This is a practice class to improve your presentation skills through practice and feedback. It’s like having a supportive friend who can help you become a more effective presenter!

This is a practice class to improve your presentation skills through practice and feedback. It’s like having a supportive friend who can help you become a more effective presenter!

Why do you need to practice your presentation? 
Practicing your presentation is essential for success in communicating with confidence and clarity. It allows you to improve your delivery, accuracy, and engagement with your audience. Additionally, practicing can save time, help overcome nerves, and prepare for unexpected challenges. By practising your presentation, you can become a more effective and confident communicator.

What you will learn? 

Delivery Techniques: You’ll learn how to deliver a presentation in a clear, confident, and engaging manner, including tips on body language, eye contact, and voice projection.

Audience Engagement: You’ll learn strategies for engaging your audience, including how to use storytelling, humour, and interactive elements to keep them interested and involved.

Content organization: You’ll learn how to organize your presentation in a logical and effective manner, including how to use visual aids and supporting materials to enhance your message.

Time Management: You’ll learn how to manage your time effectively during a presentation, including how to pace yourself and avoid common pitfalls like rambling or getting sidetracked.

Feedback and Critique: You’ll receive feedback and critique, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and refine you presentation skills over time.

What are some of the practice exercises?

Tongue twisters: Practicing tongue twisters can help you improve your enunciation and articulation, as well as train your tongue and mouth muscles to produce sounds more effectively.

Read-aloud: Practicing reading aloud can help you improve your pronunciation and phrasing, as well as develop your ability to read with expression and emotion.

Voice exercises: Performing voice exercises, such as humming or singing scales, can help you develop greater control over your voice and improve your overall vocal quality.

Language immersion: Immersing yourself in a foreign language or accent can help you practice articulation and pronunciation, as well as improve your ability to understand and communicate with others in that language or accent.

How will you practice presenting? 

Role-playing: Practicing a presentation as if you were presenting it to a specific audience or in a specific scenario can help you prepare for different situations and become more comfortable with your material.

Impromptu speaking: Practicing speaking off-the-cuff or improvising a short presentation on a given topic can help you improve your ability to think on your feet and communicate effectively under pressure.

Poetry recitation: Memorizing and reciting a poem can help you practice your delivery, pacing, and voice modulation, as well as develop your ability to connect emotionally with your audience.

Script reading: Practicing reading from a script, such as a play or a movie script, can help you improve your reading skills, pacing, and intonation, as well as your ability to convey character and emotion.

Storytelling: Practicing storytelling can help you develop your ability to engage and captivate an audience, using techniques such as vocal variety, pacing, gesture, and eye contact.

Debate: Engaging in a formal or informal debate with others can help you practice presenting and defending your arguments in a clear, concise, and convincing manner.

Video presentations: Creating a video presentation can provide an opportunity to practice your delivery, timing, and use of visuals, as well as provide an opportunity to evaluate your performance after the fact.

Pitching: Practicing a sales pitch or a proposal can help you become more persuasive, confident, and engaging when presenting to potential clients or partners.

Hello! I’m Becca

Not Just A Teacher, But A Friend

I’m happy to meet you. My students describe me as an unlikely educator who’s like a friend.

I did not follow the traditional path of becoming a teacher.

I majored in Theatre Arts with three scholarships under my belt and upon graduation received a Best Graduate of Class award.

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A chance to know how I can help you.

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You’ll get hands-on experience and take away some new tips you can use immediately.